শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Relationship Help ? Commitment, Sharing and Responsibility ...

December 28, 2012

All too often we see young couples getting into relationships without really getting to know each other and see the good and the bad in their mate. They fall in love and feel they need to marry. However, in a large number of cases, these people are realizing marriage is more than playing house.

The problems resulting by not learning to share responsibilities, giving necessary support, equality when making decisions and giving a sincere commitment toward one another and to the children, if any, are astronomical. Nevertheless, in these modern times, the thought-to-be simplest solution is, at times, the most dreaded as well as the most sought after.

Needless to say, divorce is an ugly situation. Statistically speaking, more children are forced to deal with the negative process and results of divorce than adults. This is one of many reasons why many children are raised in a single parent household.

Marriage is supposed to be the unifying of two loving adults accomplishing commitment in its most pure form. In these times, though, this is furthest from the truth. This is one of many reasons why children are caught up in such turbulence, although, many do evolve with the situation to become prominent, successful members of society.

Like all things, prevention is the key rather than allowing negative matters to grow and become worse. Simple, present discussions can easily diffuse major, future problems. Many times, couples try to decide on a 50-50% exchange and never realize that 100-100% is the best path to travel. Most learn, after divorcing, that this is the path they?re forced to accept anyway. This decision, if made while courting, will benefit the couple as well as children, if children are involved as well. There always exists a level ground to meet on. Once met, give 100% toward fulfilling what?s expected. With, and like prevention, understanding is also the key!

In most cases, couples decide to divorce when agreements can?t be met within their shared lives. It?s only a matter of time where disagreements can cause a couple to become bitter toward one another. This, of course, entails altercation. To say the least, this can all be evaded by utilizing the simple art of conversation and cooperation.

For the most part, a relationship is called just that because it involves the union of two or more people that is quite significant than associates. Spousal relationships, though, stand high above the rest. Marriage is a union without boundaries, without selfishness, without dislike. Marriage is sharing. Understanding. Sacrifice. Marriage is the ultimate union between two people that is shared like no other union, so we, as civilized people, should treat it as such.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma-Louise_Smith

Source: http://relation.mypkweb.com/relationship-help-commitment-sharing-and-responsibility/

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